The Season Five Book Lineup:
Who Are the Tribes, by Terrance Hayes (available now!)
Terrance Hayes is the author of Wind in a Box (Penguin 2006), Hip Logic (Penguin 2002) and Muscular Music (Tia Chucha Press, 1999). His book Lighthead (2010) won the National Book Award in 2010. His other honors include a Whiting Writers Award, the Kate Tufts Discovery Award, a National Poetry Series award, a Pushcart Prize, two Best American Poetry selections, and a National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship. He is a Professor of Creative Writing at Carnegie Mellon University and lives in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, with his family.
The Axioms, by Francesca Chabrier (forthcoming, Spring 2011)
Francesca Chabrier is the interviews editor for jubilat. Her work appears or is forthcoming in places like notnostrums, Sixth Finch, Invisible Ear, SIR!, Wolf In A Field and Forklift, Ohio. Her collaborations with Christopher Cheney can be found in GlitterPony. She lives in a valley on a hill.
And our *Meddling Kids Series* pick from our open reading period!!
The Preservationist Documents, by Megan M. Garr
(forthcoming, Spring/ Summer 2011)Megan M. Garr is the founder and editor of the Amsterdam-based literary journal Versal. Recent and upcoming publications of her poetry and writings on translocality include Tuesday: An Art Journal, SpringGun, and Corduroy Mtn., and the collection “A Megaphone” edited by Juliana Spahr and Stephanie Young. Megan’s chapbook The Preservationist Documents is forthcoming from Pilot Books. She lives in Amsterdam, the Netherlands with her partner, artist Shayna Schapp.